Motivation is one of the most determining factors for the acquisition of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) with gender a key factor. This quantitative research focuses on gender, motivation, and EFL learning in Saudi Arabia. An adapted version of the Motivation and Attitude Questionnaire (MAQ) was used in March 2021 at two Eastern Province public secondary schools. Data were collected from 169 students (aged 16–18). The final sample frame (N=100) comprised a quota sample of 50 males and 50 females. Descriptive analytics affirmed that overall motivation to learn EFL was quite high (female M = 4.06; male M = 3.79). Extrinsic and instrumental motivation prevailed overall with intrinsic and integrative motivation highest for female respondents. Gendered differences were not significant at p< .005 (Asymp. Sig. = .772). Recommendations include (a) research to address contradictory results (level/type of motivation and gender influence) and (b) the mediating effect of attitude and (c) focused efforts to ensure intrinsic motivation in EFL education.
Amani Alghamdi, Areej Albawardi, Nadya Alzuabi, and Luluah Alshaiji
English as a Foreign Language (EFL), gender, integrated/instrumental, intrinsic/extrinsic, motivation, Saudi Arabia